All the Unit Progression Rules in One Place
If your taking part in the Certus Campaign then this section should be useful when it comes to keeping track of the experience, skills and enhancements etc that your forces gain during the course of the campaign.
Click on the section below to jump to it.
Gaining Experience
Battle Experience – 1XP
Each unit selected from your roster to take part in a battle gains 1XP.
Dealers of Death – 1XP
Your own units will gain 1Xp for every 3 enemy units they have destroyed, make sure to keep a tally of kills for each unit during a game.
Marked for Greatness – 3XP
At the end of the battle, select one of your units to be marked for Greatness, it gains 3XP.
Other Ways of Gaining XP
Some scenarios will provide additional ways of gaining XP. You also have the option to pick 2 Agendas in a Crusade game which can result in additional XP.
Battle Ranks
As your units gain experience throughout the campaign they will start to level up and become better skilled.
Experience Points | Rank |
0-5 | Battle-ready |
6-15 | Blooded |
16-30 | Battle-hardened |
31-50 | Heroic* |
51+ | Legendary* |
Each time a unit gains enough XP to earn a promotion and increase in Battle Rank it will earn a Battle Honour, of which there are 3 categories; Battle Traits, Weapon Modifications and Crusade Relics.
*Only Characters can gain the Heroic or Legendary ranks.
Battle Honours
When a unit gains enough XP to acquire a Battle Rank promotion, you can choose an upgrade table to roll on from Battle Traits or Weapon Modifications. Each time a unit gains a Battle Honour, increase it’s Crusade points by 1 (or by 2 if Titanic).
If your faction has a Codex or additional rules available you can use those battle traits instead.
Battle Traits
Character Units | D6 |
Born Hunter The unit has the Scout 9″ ability | 1 |
Bio-Acid Burns Character models in the unit have Feel No Pain 5+ ability | 2 |
Natural Leader This unit may re-roll Battleshock tests | 3 |
Deadly Combatant Melee weapons equipped by Character models have the Sustained Hits 1 ability | 4 |
Shadow Stalker The unit has the Stealth ability | 5 |
Death Incarnate Enemy units within 6″ of this unit worsen their Leadership characteristic by 1 | 6 |
Infantry Units | D6 |
Battle-Scarred Resistance Models in this unit have the Feel No Pain 6+ ability | 1 |
Vanguard Espionage The unit has the Scout 9″ ability | 2 |
Obdurate Obedience Add 1 to the Objective Control of all models in this unit | 3 |
Resolute Veterans Each time you take a Battle-shock, Leadership or Desperate Escape test for this unit, add 1 to that test. | 4 |
Only the Swift Survive Add 1 to Advance and Charge rolls made for this unit | 5 |
Head-hunters At the start of a battle select one enemy unit. Until the end of the battle, each time a model in this unit makes an attack against that enemy unit, re-roll a Hit of a 1 and re-roll a Wound roll of a 1. | 6 |
Monsters & Walker Units | D6 |
Monstrous Presence (Aura) While an enemy unit is within Engagement Range of this unit: Subtract 1 from the Leadership characteristic of models in that enemy unit. Each time that unit takes a Battle-shock test, the Insane Bravery Stratagem cannot be used. | 1 |
Giant Slayers Each time a model in this unit makes an attack against a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. | 2 |
Nimble Defence Each time a MONSTER or VEHICLE unit makes an attack against this unit, models in this unit have the Feel No Pain 5+ ability against that attack. | 3 |
Unstoppable Advance Each time this unit makes a Normal, Advance or Fall Back move, until that move is finished, models in this unit can move horizontally through models and terrain features (they cannot finish a move on top of another model or its base). If doing so when making a Fall Back move, models in this unit do not need to take a Desperate Escape test | 4 |
Painful Lessons Each time a MONSTER or VEHICLE model makes an attack against this unit, worsen the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. | 5 |
Massive Stomp Each time this unit is selected to fight in the Fight phase, before making any attacks, it can stomp. If it does so, select one enemy unit (excluding MONSTER and VEHICLE units) within Engagement Range of it and roll one D6: on a 2-5, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers 3 mortal wounds.. | 6 |
Vehicle Units | D6 |
Blessed Hull Models in this unit have a 5+ Invulnerable save | 1 |
Focused Gunners Models in this unit don’t suffer the penalty for to Hit rolls when firing ranged weapons within Engagement Range. | 2 |
Reinforced Superstructure Each time an attack with Strength 7 or lower is allocated to this model, worsen the AP of that attack by 1. | 3 |
Elite Crew Each time a model in this unit makes an attack, re-roll a Hit roll of 1. | 4 |
Archeotech Power Cell Add 2″ to the movement of models in this unit. | 5 |
Auto-Repair Nodes At the start of your Command Phase, one model in this unit regains 1 lost wound. | 6 |
Mounted Units | D6 |
Hunter’s Celerity Add 2″ to the movement characteristic of models in this unit. | 1 |
High Speed Gunnery Each time this unit Advances, until the end of the turn all ranged weapons equipped by models in this unit have the Assault ability. | 2 |
Predatory Urge You can re-roll Charge rolls made for this unit. | 3 |
Mounted Guerrillas This unit is eligible to declare a Charge in a turn in which it Fell Back. | 4 |
Encircling Raptors If this unit is in Strategic Reserves, it counts the battle round as one higher than the current round for the purposes of determining when and where it is set up. | 5 |
Tireless Raiders Models in this unit can make attacks with ranged weapons even when the unit is within Engagement Range of enemy units, but can only make such attacks against enemy units they are within Engagement Range of. | 6 |
Weapon Modifications
Each time you choose to add a weapon modification to a unit, select a single weapon equipped by that unit. Then roll 2D6 and apply both of the upgrades that you rolled from the table adjacent.

Weapon Modifications | D6 |
Finely Balanced Improve this weapon’s Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill by 1 | 1 |
Brutal Add 1 to this weapon’s Strength characteristic. | 2 |
Armour Piercing Improve this weapon’s Armour Penetration characteristic by 1. | 3 |
Master-Worked Add 1 to this weapon’s Damage characteristic. | 4 |
Heirloom Add 1 to this weapon’s Attacks characteristic. | 5 |
Precise Each time a Critical Wound is scored for an attack with this weapon, that attack has the Precision ability. | 6 |
Campaign Relics
For the Certus Crusade we have created a series of bespoke relics which your heroes may uncover from the depth of the tombs of the cemetery world!
Players will need to delve into the dark labyrinthine passages of the Necroplex and survive it’s dangers to pillage it’s treasures. These relics are obtained through winning Boarding Actions missions and you can choose any relic from the level obtained or below – this can be for any model in your force as long as long as it meets the criteria, it does not have to be one of the units that completed the boarding actions mission.
Level 1 – Artificer Relics
Ceremonial Weapon
“The tombs are littered with powerful weapons who’s former masters lie long dead.”
Select one weapon that the model is equipped with (excluding a Relic or a weapon that has been enhanced by the Weapon Enhancement Battle Honour). That weapon now has SUSTAINED HITS 1. This is now a Relic Weapon and cannot be further modified.
Artisan Bionics
Long turned to dust these exquisitely crafted bionics are all that remains of their past owners.”
INFANTRY or MOUNTED only. Add 1 to the model’s Strength characteristic for Melee Attacks. In addition, the model has a 5+ Feel No Pain.
Shrouding Cloak
“Some ancient technology prevents the eyes from truly focusing on this material.”
INFANTRY CHARACTER only. The bearer gains the Stealth keyword and always counts as having the Benefit of Cover.
Ecclesiarch’s Ankh
“It’s true meaning long lost to time this golden pendent offers protection to all those who wield it.”
Models in the bearer’s unit gain a 5+ Feel No Pain against Mortal Wounds.
Repulsor Field Generator
“Primative Repulsor technology is often enough to turn a blow back at the attacker.”
The bearer gains a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, each time a successful saving throw is made against a melee attack, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, a Mortal Wound is inflicted on the attacking unit.
Adrenal Stim Injector
“In warfare every advantage must be sought to ensure victory.”
INFANTRY, MOUNTED or MONSTER only. You can re-roll Advance and Charge rolls made for this model’s unit. In addition, add 1 to this model’s melee weapon Attacks characteristic during any turn in which its unit made a charge move (including using the Heroic Intervention stratagem) or was charged.
Twice Blessed Armour
“Ceremonial armour of a once great imperial lord offers holy protection to it’s new bearer.”
Add 1 to the bearer’s Armour Saving throws (but not invulnerable saves). In addition, the model gains a 6+ Feel No Pain against Mortal Wounds. Their armour is now Relic Armour – it cannot be further modified.
Sharks Tooth Blade
“This blade’s razor sharp serrated edges are perfectly designed to grab and slice through even the toughest armour.”
Close combat weapon only – weapon becomes a Relic Weapon. This weapon now has LETHAL HITS.
Horn of The Red Viper
“This ancient instrument is said to embolden allies and strike fear into enemies in equal measure.”
You can re-roll Advance and Charge rolls made for the bearer’s unit. Additionally, the target unit of a charge may not use the overwatch the stratagem.
Level 2 – Antiquity Relics
Blood Blade
“This blade wielded by a champion of the Cholercaust Blood Crusade constantly drips with the blood of Khorne’s enemies.”
Select one of the model’s melee weapons, it now has Anti-Infantry 2+. This is now a Relic Weapon and cannot be further modified.
Martyr’s Gift Field Service Medi-Kit
“Loaded with combat stims, self cauterising thermic gel & single use bionics this kit is designed to get the bearer back into the fight as quickly as possible.”
INFANTRY only. The first time this model is destroyed, keep it to one side; at the end of the current phase, roll one D6. On a 2+, set this model back up again, as close as possible to its previous position, with D3 wounds remaining.
Orkimedes’ Shiny Button
“No one know how it got here or what it does but pressing the button on this Ork tech promises to be quite the adventure!”
INFANTRY only. Instead of making a Normal Move or Falling Back in your Movement phase, this model’s unit can be removed from the battlefield and then set back up on the battlefield, anywhere that is more than 9″ from any enemy models. This ability can only be used once use per battle.
Commorragh’s Kiss
“This combination of experimental combat drugs has earned it’s name in the underhives of the surrounding systems by being so potent & deadly that no human can survive the pain it inflicts.”
INFANTRY CHARACTER model only. At any point in the battle the character can choose to administer these drugs. When it does so it gains +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, +1 Attack and +1 Damage to its melee weapons for the rest of the battle. However in EVERY future Command Phase (for both players) the model must make a Leadership check and if it fails suffers D3 Mortal Wounds.
Excoriators Battle Plate
“All vanity is long lost from this armour as it has been repaired time and time again to weather yet more damage in defence of the imperium.”
Incoming damage is reduced by 1 against this model to a minimum of 1. Their armour is now Relic Armour – it cannot be further modified.
Golden Rod of Eternal Light
“This sacred relic of the Adeptus Sororitas is said to shine with the holy light of The Emperor himself blinding the mutant, the heretic & the xeno alike.”
The bearer has the following ability: ‘Rod of Eternal Light (Aura): Subtract 1 from the Attacks characteristic (to a minimum of 1) of enemy models while they are within Engagement Range of the bearer’s unit.’
Tactical Auspex
“This advanced sensory device provides the user with an overwhelming abundance of combat information to distribute to it’s allies boosting their combat effectiveness at the cost of their own.”
The model’s attached unit has +1 to both BS and WS on all weapons. But the model itself is -1 to both its BS and WS on all weapons.
Vindicare’s Eye
“This scope is said to contain the eye lens of a nameless assassin responsible for killing countless foes of the imperium during The Wars of Faith.”
NON VEHICLE CHARACTER ONLY. Single ranged weapon only. That weapon gains the PRECISION key word. This is now a Relic Weapon and cannot be further modified.
Level 3 – Legendary Relics
Asuryan’s Gift
“This gem was said to have been presented to High Lord Umberto II himself by an Eldari farseer as a token of thanks for their assistance in purging the chaos heretics surrounding The Eye of Terror.”
The bearer has the FIGHTS FIRST ability – only the bearer has this ability, not any unit they are attached to.
The Pilgrims Will
“Known as The Right Claw of Khorne the mysterious leader of the Cholercaust Blood Crusade was so strong of will that he was able to unite the warring Khornate warbands to a single purpose.”
INFANTRY CHARACTER only. After deployment ends but before the game begins mark the location of this character on the board. At any point in the mission or if the character is reduced to 0 wounds then this relic may be activated. On a 2+ the device is successful, the character is reset to his starting position with the number of wounds they started the battle with. Any progress made towards Agendas by this character is lost and the character is considered slain for all rules purposes. If the dice roll fails the character is slain immediately. Only one use per battle.
Zachariah Kersh’s Gauntlet
“Corpus-Captain of the Excoriators 5th Company Zachariah Kersh’s last stand against the Khornate forces on the planet of Certus Minor would have have made even his gene father, Rogal Dorn, proud.”
INFANTRY CHARACTER model only. If this character is reduced to 0 wounds it is not removed from the board but counts as having one wound remaining until the end of the battle round. It can act normally until then at which point it is slain.
The Everburning Brand
“Forged by the grief of a dead homeworld this power field is said to burn with the mad rage of it’s creator. It is incredibly potent but dangerously unstable.”
Pick one of the character’s melee weapons. They now have +1 to wound with this weapon. This is now a Relic Weapon and cannot be further modified.
Keeler Comet Shard
“A shard of the destroyed blood red comet once through to embody the very will of Khorne himself.”
Invulnerable saves cannot be made against attacks made with this model’s melee weapons.
The Sigil of Umberto II
“As Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum &a High Lord of Terra Umberto II stood as a beacon against the forces of darkness that would spill from the Eye of Terror leading the faithful in the Wars of Faith.”
INFANTRY CHARACTER only. This model now has the LONE OPERATIVE special ability. Their armour is now Relic Armour – it cannot be further modified.
Sergeant Centurius’s Battle Plate
“This blackened armour bears the scars of countless centuries of combat in defence of the Imperium of Man.”
Incoming damage against this model is halved (rounding up). The model also has a 6+ Feel No pain. Their armour is now Relic Armour – it cannot be further modified.
Battle Scars
In a Crusade, you will need to take an Out of Action test for each destroyed unit at the end of a game. To do this, roll a D6, on the roll of a 1, the test has been failed and the owning player must decide which of the following they wish to apply:
The unit can lose a single Battle Honour, assuming it has previously gained one.
The unit gains a Battle Scar, randomly determined by rolling on the table adjacent.
Removing Battle Scars
A Battle Scar can be removed from a unit by spending 1RP per Battle Scar between battles.
Battle Scar | D6 |
Crippling Damage This unit cannot Advance and you must subtract 1″ from its Move characteristic. | 1 |
Battle-Weary Each time the unit takes a Battle Shock, Leadership, Desperate Escape or Out of Action test, subtract 1 from the result. | 2 |
Fatigued Subtract 1 from the Objective Control characteristic of models in this unit. Additionally, the unit never receives a Charge bonus. | 3 |
Disgraced You cannot use any Stratagems to affect this unit and this unit cannot be Marked for Greatness. | 4 |
Mark of Shame This unit cannot form an Attached unit , it is also unaffected by Aura abilities of friendly units, and it cannot be Marked for Greatness. | 5 |
Deep Scars Each time a Critical Hit is scored against this unit, that attack automatically wounds this unit | 6 |