List of Potential Board Games

Help Decide What Games We Add!

With the help of funding from the National Lottery we are now able to support a swathe of different gaming systems across the club.

One of the main things we are looking to do is to expand our collection of board games that are available.

We also want to get people excited about new games turning up at the club and encourage more people to come down and play.

Therefore, we decided the best way to do this was to allow our members and attendees have a say in what we buy. Every month, or so we will be having a vote on which games people want to see added to our collection. Voting will be done via our Discord Server. Depending on the cost & demand, we will pick up one or two of the top voted games.

Terraforming Mars

Our List of Potential Games to be Added

Back to the Future – Dice Through Time
Dune: Imperium
Escape the Dark Castle
Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats
First Martians: adventures in the red planet
Gaia project
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion
Horrified: Universal Monsters
Jurassic Park Danger!
Keyforge: Call of the Archons
Mage Wars: Arena
Mansions of Madness
Star Realms
Ticket to Ride
The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
Undaunted: Normandy
Zombicide 2nd Edition

Want to Add Something to the List?

Simply fill out the form below and include some details. Alternatively you can let one of our committee know in person, give us a shout via Discord or Drop us an email with a suggestion.