The Ultimate Destination for Board Games in Cumbernauld!
Step into our vibrant and welcoming community, where the joy of tabletop gaming comes alive. Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or new to the world of board games, our club offers a haven for players of all levels.
With a good collection of captivating titles, from some classic favourites to some more recent releases, Crossfire Gaming Club provides an immersive and thrilling experience for everyone.
Join us as we gather around the table, form alliances, and embark on unforgettable gaming adventures. Let the dice roll and the cards shuffle as you discover the boundless fun of playing board games with fellow enthusiasts!

Our Current Selection of Board Games
The following games can currently be found at Crossfire Gaming Club and are available for anyone to play or arrange a game.
Relic – Warhammer 40k
Players: 2-4
Playtime: 60-120 mins
Relic is an exciting tabletop game where two to four players immerse themselves in the vast universe of Warhammer 40,000. Each player takes on the role of a formidable hero, embarking on a daring quest to protect the Antian Sector from impending destruction. By accomplishing missions and vanquishing adversaries, the characters engage in a thrilling competition to acquire rewards and enhance their skills, increasing their odds of being the first to overcome the malevolent forces lurking beyond the Warp rift.
Building on the foundations of the Talisman system, Relic is an adventure game in which seemingly straightforward choices mask scores of possibilities. For those who haven’t played the classic fantasy adventure game Talisman, this means that on each turn, a player rolls a single six-sided die before moving his playing piece that number of spaces clockwise or counter-clockwise around the region (outer, middle, or inner) of the board it currently occupies. That player then draws a card or cards to see what he’s encountered, pitting his heroic persona against foul enemies, dangerous locations, and fantastic strangers. And all the while, these intrepid heroes rise in power, as they work their way toward the ultimate goal at the centre of the board.

StarCraft: The Board Game
Players: 2-6
Playtime: 180-240 mins
In StarCraft: The Board Game, players battle for galactic domination on a dynamic board of interconnected planets. Planetary setup is already part of the game – every player gets two planets to place, and will place their starting base on one of them. Planets are connected with direct and “Z-Axis” connections that are placed during setup, but can sometimes later be modified during the game, and movement is only possible within planets and through those connections (by means of purpose-built transports).
Each player controls a faction out of six, that belongs to one race out of three – Humans, Zerg, and Protoss. Each faction has a unique special victory condition, but all factions can also win through victory points that are gained by controlling special areas on some of the planets. Players build units and base upgrades with the resources they gather from the planetary areas that they control, and gain access to additional unit types through those upgrades.

Aeon’s End
Players: 1-4
Playtime: 60 mins
The survivors of a long-ago invasion have taken refuge in the forgotten underground city of Gravehold. There, the desperate remnants of society have learned that the energy of the very breaches the beings use to attack them can be repurposed through various gems, transforming the malign energies within into beneficial spells and weapons to aid their last line of defence: the breach mages
Aeon’s End is a cooperative game that explores the deckbuilding genre with a number of innovative mechanisms, including a variable turn order system that simulates the chaos of an attack, and deck management rules that require careful planning with every discarded card. Players will struggle to defend Gravehold from The Nameless and their hordes using unique abilities, powerful spells, and, most importantly of all, their collective wits.

Players: 2
Playtime: 45 mins
Android: Netrunner is an asymmetrical Living Card Game for two players. Set in the cyberpunk future of Android and Infiltration, the game pits a megacorporation and its massive resources against the subversive talents of lone runners.
Corporations seek to score agendas by advancing them. Doing so takes time and credits. To buy the time and earn the credits they need, they must secure their servers and data forts with “ice”. These security programs come in different varieties, from simple barriers, to code gates and aggressive sentries. They serve as the corporation’s virtual eyes, ears, and machine guns on the sprawling information superhighways of the network.

5 Minute Dungeon
Players: 2-5
Playtime: 5-30 mins
5-Minute Dungeon is a chaotic, co-operative, real-time card game in which players have only five minutes to escape the randomized dungeon. Communication and teamwork are critical to survival because there’s no time to form a carefully considered plan — and no predicting what dangers lie ahead.
In more detail, players assume the role of one of ten heroes, each with special cards and abilities. Once the five-minute timer starts, the race is on to defeat all the monsters inside the dungeon. In order to defeat a monster, players must match symbols from their hand with ones on the monster’s card. At the end of each dungeon is a powerful dungeon boss — and after the first boss is defeated, the campaign continues to the second boss. Each boss, and each randomized dungeon, gets harder until players reach the fifth and final boss.

Players: 2
Playtime: 5-60 mins
Chess is a board game for two players. It is played on a square board, made up of 64 smaller squares, with eight squares in each row and column. Each player starts with sixteen pieces. The goal of the game is for each player to try and checkmate the king of the opponent. Checkmate is a threat (‘check’) to the opposing king which no move can stop. It ends the game

Penny Arcade the Game
Players: 2-4
Playtime: 30-45mins
In Penny Arcade: The Game – Gamers vs. Evil, players will take from a shared group of cards representing icons from the Penny Arcade world, each character possessing a unique power. Purchase Gamer cards with your gold. Yes, put that Merch in your deck! CONSUME! If you’d prefer to battle, wield the Cardboard Tube and attack one of the Evil cards. Dodge PAX Pox, make friends with a Werewolf With a Top Hat, ally with Cardboard Tube Samurai, PvP with your opponents, and skewer Dark Tycho for his epic loot. Build your perfect deck and win the battle of Gamers vs. Evil.

Players: 2-4
Playtime: 45 mins
The abstract game of Qwirkle consists of 108 wooden blocks with six different shapes in six different colours. There is no board, players simply use an available flat surface.
Players begin the game with six blocks. The start player places blocks of a single matching attribute (colour or shape but not both) on the table. Thereafter, a player adds blocks adjacent to at least one previously played block. The blocks must all be played in a line and match, without duplicates, either the colour or shape of the previous block.
Players score one point for each block played plus all blocks adjacent. It is possible for a block to score in more than one direction. If a player completes a line containing all six shapes or colours, an additional six points are scored. The player then refills his hand to six blocks

Sushi Go
Players: 2-5
Playtime: 15 mins
Sushi Go! takes the card-drafting mechanism of Fairy Tale and 7 Wonders and distils it into a twenty-minute game that anyone can play. The dynamics of “draft and pass” are brought to the fore, while keeping the rules to a minimum. As you see the first few hands of cards, you must quickly assess the make-up of the round and decide which type of sushi you’ll go for. Then, each turn you’ll need to weigh which cards to keep and which to pass on. The different scoring combinations allow for some clever plays and nasty blocks. Round to round, you must also keep your eye on the goal of having the most pudding cards at the end of the game!

Players: 2-6
Playtime: 60-200 mins
A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar civilization, competing for success with its rivals. You explore new star systems, research technologies, and build spaceships with which to wage war. There are many potential paths to victory, so you need to plan your strategy according to the strengths and weaknesses of your species, while paying attention to the other civilizations’ endeavors.

Players: 2-4
Playtime: 30 mins
In Dominion, each player starts with an identical, very small deck of cards. In the centre of the table is a selection of other cards the players can “buy” as they can afford them. Through their selection of cards to buy, and how they play their hands as they draw them, the players construct their deck on the fly, striving for the most efficient path to the precious victory points by game end.
Dominion is not a CCG, but the play of the game is similar to the construction and play of a CCG deck. The game comes with 500 cards. You select 10 of the 25 Kingdom card types to include in any given play—leading to immense variety.

Terraforming Mars
Players: 1-5
Playtime: 120 mins
In Terraforming Mars, you play one of those corporations and work together in the terraforming process, but compete for getting victory points that are awarded not only for your contribution to the terraforming, but also for advancing human infrastructure throughout the solar system, and doing other commendable things.
The players acquire unique project cards (from over two hundred different ones) by buying them to their hand. The projects (cards) can represent anything from introducing plant life or animals, hurling asteroids at the surface, building cities, to mining the moons of Jupiter and establishing greenhouse gas industries to heat up the atmosphere. The cards can give you immediate bonuses, as well as increasing your production of different resources. Many cards also have requirements and they become playable when the temperature, oxygen, or ocean coverage increases enough. Buying cards is costly, so there is a balance between buying cards (3 megacredits per card) and actually playing them (which can cost anything between 0 to 41 megacredits, depending on the project). Standard Projects are always available to complement your cards.

Players: 1-5
Playtime: 90-115 mins
Scythe is an engine-building game set in an alternate-history 1920s period. It is a time of farming and war, broken hearts and rusted gears, innovation and valour. In Scythe, each player represents a character from one of five factions of Eastern Europe who are attempting to earn their fortune and claim their faction’s stake in the land around the mysterious Factory. Players conquer territory, enlist new recruits, reap resources, gain villagers, build structures, and activate monstrous mechs.

Players: 2-6
Playtime: 120 mins
Risk is a strategy board game of diplomacy, conflict and conquest for two to six players. The standard version is played on a board depicting a political map of the world, divided into 42 territories, which are grouped into six continents. Turns rotate among players who control armies of playing pieces with which they attempt to capture territories from other players, with results determined by dice rolls. Players may form and dissolve alliances during the course of the game. The goal of the game is to occupy every territory on the board and, in doing so, eliminate the other players. The game can be lengthy, requiring several hours to multiple days to finish. European versions are structured so that each player has a limited “secret mission” objective that shortens the game

Risk Walking Dead
Players: 2-5
Playtime: 60 mins
In many ways, Risk: The Walking Dead – Survival Edition features the familiar Risk gameplay, with players facing off against one another in order to claim territories on a map, win bonuses, and eliminate the opponents.
What differs with this game, though, is that players are battling on a map depicting the southeast region of the United States, the setting for The Walking Dead comic series, with the map featuring 32 territories and six zones. In addition to fending off attacks from and competing for resources with the other players, they must also maintain their self-preservation from the unrelenting hordes of the undead that spawn at the start of each player’s turn and would love nothing better than to feast upon them.

Players: 2-5
Playtime: 30-45 mins
Carcassonne is a tile-placement game in which the players draw and place a tile with a piece of southern French landscape on it. The tile might feature a city, a road, a cloister, grassland or some combination thereof, and it must be placed adjacent to tiles that have already been played, in such a way that cities are connected to cities, roads to roads, etcetera. Having placed a tile, the player can then decide to place one of their meeples on one of the areas on it: on the city as a knight, on the road as a robber, on a cloister as a monk, or on the grass as a farmer. When that area is complete, that meeple scores points for its owner.

Players: 1-5
Playtime: 120 mins
In Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition), one player takes on the role of the treacherous overlord, and up to four other players take on the roles of courageous heroes. During each game, the heroes embark on quests and venture into dangerous caves, ancient ruins, dark dungeons, and cursed forests to battle monsters, earn riches, and attempt to stop the overlord from carrying out his vile plot.
With danger lurking in every shadow, combat is a necessity. For such times, Descent: Journeys in the Dark (Second Edition) uses a unique dice-based system. Players build their dice pools according to their character’s abilities and weapons, and each die in the pool contributes to an attack in different ways. Surges, special symbols that appear on most dice, also let you trigger special effects to make the most of your attacks. And with the horrors awaiting you beneath the surface, you’ll need every advantage you can take…

HeroQuest: Original
Players: 2-5
Playtime: 90 mins
In the immersive fantasy board game HeroQuest, players embark on epic quests filled with adventure and peril. Guided by a brave group of heroes, they traverse treacherous dungeons, battle fearsome monsters, and unravel mysteries in a quest for glory and riches.
Set in a richly detailed fantasy world, HeroQuest offers a unique blend of strategic gameplay and immersive storytelling. Players take on different roles, with one player assuming the role of the game master who controls the evil forces and orchestrates the challenges that the heroes must face.
As the heroes progress through the game, they gather powerful weapons, magical artifacts, and gain experience to improve their abilities. Each quest presents unique objectives, whether it’s rescuing prisoners, retrieving ancient artifacts, or defeating a formidable boss. The heroes must work together, utilizing their individual skills and tactics, to overcome traps, puzzles, and the relentless onslaught of enemies.

Players: 2-5
Playtime: 40-70 mins
Wingspan is a competitive, medium-weight, card-driven, engine-building board game from Stonemaier Games. It’s designed by Elizabeth Hargrave and features over 170 birds illustrated by Beth Sobel, Natalia Rojas, and Ana Maria Martinez.
You are bird enthusiasts—researchers, bird watchers, ornithologists, and collectors—seeking to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves. Each bird extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your habitats (actions). These habitats focus on several key aspects of growth:
- Gain food tokens via custom dice in a birdfeeder dice tower
- Lay eggs using egg miniatures in a variety of colors
- Draw from hundreds of unique bird cards and play them
The winner is the player with the most points after 4 rounds.

Gloomhaven – Jaws of the Lion
Players: 2-4
Playtime: 30-120 mins
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is a standalone game that takes place before the events of Gloomhaven. The game includes four new characters — Valrath Red Guard (tank, crowd control), Inox Hatchet (ranged damage), Human Voidwarden (support, mind-control), and Quatryl Demolitionist (melee damage, obstacle manipulation) — that can also be used in the original Gloomhaven game.
The game also includes 16 monster types (including seven new standard monsters and three new bosses) and a new campaign with 25 scenarios that invites the heroes to investigate a case of mysterious disappearances within the city. Is it the work of Vermlings, or is something far more sinister going on?
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is aimed at a more casual audience to get people into the gameplay more quickly. All of the hard-to-organize cardboard map tiles have been removed, and instead players will play on the scenario book itself, which features new artwork unique to each scenario. The last barrier to entry — i.e., learning the game — has also been lowered through a simplified rule set and a five-scenario tutorial that will ease new players into the experience.

The Crew: Mission Deep Sea
Players: 2-5
Playtime: 20 mins
In the trick-taking card game The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, you and the other players work together to search for the lost continent of Mu. This new adventure takes your crew deep down into the abyss on a search for the fabled sunken land. How far you get depends entirely on how well you work together as a team. Card by card, trick by trick, your search party will discover the challenges that lie ahead and forge a path to Mu.
This new version of The Crew has the same innovative co-operative trick-taking mechanism as the highly lauded original game — but with some exciting new surprises! While communication between your crew members is severely limited by your submerged state, it is also critical to your success; finding the hidden land in the murky depths depends not only on winning tricks, but also on carefully negotiating the order in which they are won. If things don’t go as planned, you might just be able to salvage the operation, but it will take near flawless execution and perhaps a little luck to finally reach Mu.

Deck-Building Game: Rivals – Batman vs The Joker
Players: 2
Playtime: 30 mins
Can Batman take down The Joker — or will he go mad trying? The action is fast and furious in DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Rivals – Batman vs The Joker as players vie to add the right mix of components to their decks, then launch attacks directly at their archnemesis! This set, which is compatible with any title in the DC Comics Deck-Building Game series, introduces confrontation rules that allow you to attack an opposing character and block cards that ward off confrontations.
The first player to drop the opponent three times wins, although each time an opponent gets dropped, he’ll rise up even stronger than before; in game terms, each player has three oversized character cards, and if you’re defeated, you reveal the next card with a booosted-up ability. Alternatively, if the main deck runs out of cards, the player with the most VPs wins.

Dice Masters – Battle for Ultramar
Players: 2
Playtime: 60 mins
Set in the dark sci-fantasy world of Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Dice Masters allows players to build teams of iconic characters and warriors to battle it out for supremacy using custom dice and cards. Warhammer 40,000 Dice Masters uses the game system designed by Mike Elliott and Eric M. Lang for Dice Masters and is completely compatible with other games in the line. Four factions are available when the series first launches, and players can either build teams using a single faction or mix and match to create their own Dice Masters team.
The initial release of Warhammer 40,000 Dice Masters will be centered around the Battle for Ultramar Campaign Box. This starter box has fixed content set that includes everything needed for two players to play the game: a force of Ultramarines, a force of Deathguard, Sidekick dice, Basic Action dice, and dice bags for both players. More than twelve characters appear in the set, including the Ultramarines Primarch Roboute Guilliman and Chief Librarian Tigurius, as well as the Deathguard heroes Typhus and Mortarion.