Certus Crusade: Dark Tidings

As the final week of the crusade begins, a message is received. But what does it mean for the fate of the Certus System… or the galaxy as a whole?

A light flickers. The only noise is a distant hum reverberating through the walls, until somewhere in the distance a rhythmic thumping begins. Slowly it grows louder and more frantic. The sound begins to become clearer, something is beating onto a metal surface. The light flickers off and there is darkness. The thumping continues growing ever louder…and closer… until it consumes even the continuous hum. The thumping is now everywhere in the darkness. The light flickers and for the briefest moment a hooded figure is illuminated.

The figure continued onward through the darkness at great speed, it’s boots thumping loudly on the metal floor. As it approached a junction at speed it attempted to turn sharply into adjoining corridor but blinded but the sudden light it lost footing and collided heavily into the wall. Undeterred the figure pressed on picking up previous speed either unaware or unconcerned by the blood now oozing from above it’s eye. After numerous corridors the figure barrelled round a sharp corner but to their shock the path in front of them was blocked. Gripping tightly to the object held in their hand the figure leaned into their shoulder and braced for impact.

Artwork: Combat Servitor by Karl Kopinski

The servitor’s gyro stabiliser units screamed as they lost the battle to keep their master upright. The impact had connected at the centermost point of the units chest plate sending it uncontrollably sprawling backward. As it connected with the metal deck plating sparks flew in all directions but it’s assailant took no notice. He had already righted himself and without looking back had continued onward at as much pace as his legs could carry him. The impact had however thrown back his hood to reveal a gaunt face with dark sunken eyes partially covered in blood. Breathing heavily with sweat dripping down his forehead he pressed on knowing he would soon reach his quarry. Sliding round the last corner he faced a rather inauspicious bulkhead door and took a moment to catch his breath. Wiping the blood and sweat from his face onto his grey robe before raising his hood over his pale skin and stepping forward. Nervously he began to raise his hand toward a button at the side of the door, taking a deep breath before slowly pressing it.

“Speak” replied the vox unit almost instantly in a deep crackling voice.

“My Lord, I bring most urgent news from the Astropaths.”

“Enter Monitor.” the vox cracked before the door slowly began to open.

Stepping into the chamber the monitor bowed deeply as, from the shadows, a hulking figure draped in maroon emerged. Towering over the monitor the figure appeared like a giant as it stepped out into the candle light.

“Rise monitor and tell me this urgent message you have raced here to bring to me.”

For the briefest moment the monitor was taken back, believing himself to have composed himself appropriately for his lord, before the realisation that he was in the presence of one of The Emperor’s Angels and there was nothing they did not see. Taking a deep breath and steeling himself he spoke

“My lord, the astropaths have received part of a message that they believe to be most alarming.”

“Our hunt has gone well in this system, what alarms them so Monitor Eradist?”

Eradist paused for a moment over joyed that the mighty, Seers of the Aegis, Solo Ghast knew his name before refocusing his mind to the message he was tasked to deliver.

Artwork: Exorcist Librarian by Igor Ivanov

“The message was very distorted my lord but has been verified as being authentic.” Slowly dropping to one knee Eradist raised the metal cylinder he had been clutching presenting it too the marine. Ghast slowly unscrewed one end of the ornate cylinder allowing the parchment to slowly slide into his hand. Unravelling it he began to read,

“…This is Captain Tor Garadon… Sentinels of Terra… attacked by a Chaos host… requesting aid… defence of the… system… the crusade is upon us… rally to The Phalanx…”

Under his hood Ghast’s brow furrowed, the Phalanx should not be this far from Holy Terra.

“You have done well to bring this to me so quickly. Tell me Monitor how many others know of this message?”

“Only those in the choir, My Lord.”

“Good, I must speak with Lord Canis immediately.”


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