Certus Crusade: Hell Awaits

There is no time left. The Certus Crusade is over but the galaxy now faces a threat of unimaginable scale.

Deep in the Necroplex under Obsequa City the sounds of violence echo through the labyrinth of tunnels. Blades clash, lasbolts burn and explosions rock the very walls but as you draw closer to the Tomb of Umberto II silence begins to fill the air. Corpses line the Sacred Path with Imperial, Xeno & Heretics alike, lying where they fell. As you walk amongst the corpses you begin to notice that each warrior of the Imperium has a single thin crystalline wafer resting on top of their body. Picking one up you see that it has an image of a corpse sitting on a golden throne with the words “Dues Imperator” written on it. Every card you look at bears the same image and you realise these are cards of the Emperor’s tarot. As you enter the tomb you see the once golden walls now burned and scared from conflict. Where once valuable relics rested now lie only the dead.

Approaching the sarcophagus of Umberto II an unnatural sensation grabs hold of you and you freeze. Through the darkness you see a silhouette adorned in armour so black it seems to sap the very light from the room. Sculpted with bones & flames the power armour appears ablaze with ethereal fire. Silently they place a card on the corpse of a guardsman before turning to face you. Your eyes are drawn to the mighty chainsword they carry that spits forth unholy flame yet makes no sound. Then you raise your gaze to the helmet and looking back at you is a skull with flames bursting from it’s eyes. The figure attaches their weapon to their belt and reaches up to remove their helm. Their skin looks long dead with gaunt features but the eyes maintain a sharpness you can make out even through the gloom. As figure’s eye meet yours and you feel them searching deep within your soul. Moments pass but you feel it to be an eternity before their baleful stare releases you and in a forceful voice they begin to speak.

“A lifetime ago I was know by the name Attica Centurius. In that life I swore an oath to serve the God Emperor “In dedicato dues imperatum ultra articulo mortis.” My brothers and I still serve that oath now “beyond the point of death” and now we come to the time when we are needed most. Through ignorance and folly the galaxy sits on a knife edge. There is a blackness brewing that may well consume us all. I have looked into your soul and you are not ready for what is destined to pass, yet you must steel yourself regardless. What will happen over the coming weeks will likely determine the fate of this galaxy forever more. My brothers and I came here to reclaim the Animus Malorum so that the tide could be pushed back only to find it already in the clutches the enemy. I will leave you with this warning, the “Noctis Aeterna” is now upon you and only through faith will light prevail over the darkness.”

With that he replaced his helmet and his outline begins to ripple slowly fading from reality. As the room empties you feel overwhelmed with a sense of dread crushing down upon you.

The Eye of Terror pulsed.

For ten thousand years the fortress world of Cadia had held it in check.

Now Cadia is no more.


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