It’z Orktober! Letz av’ a Fight!

ork brawl artwork

Oi! Listen up Ya Gitz!

Dis is ORKtober! Da krumpin’est munff of da Yerr ‘n u know wat dat meanz? It’z time 4 an even bigga ORKTOBER BRAWL! Last yerr u gitz got it 2 easy so dis yerr we iz turnin’ da krumpin’ up 2…. well LOTZ! So sharpen ya choppaz & grab ya favrat shoota coz it’z time to…..


After last years first ever Crossfire Orktober Brawl the boyz have got their thinking grots on and done some tinkering to make this years “new and improved” scenario even more Orky (read as fun).

It promises to have more Dakka, get the boyz into combat quicker, have more krumpin’ and be the most Orky fight any boy could dream of! The new scenario is linked below so budding Warboss’s will have time to get their grots to read it to them before the big fight(s) on the 31st of Orktober where we will decided “Da ‘ardest Boss” of 2024! All challengers are welcome to make this the most Orkiest night ever!

If you want to take part make sure to let us know on our Discord Server.


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