Buying Time on the Front Line
The hive fleet continues to encroach across the Certus system. The defenders face threats on multiple fronts at once. To the space marine forces with no exterminus missiles available they have one aim – smoke out the foe. They plan to wipe out the Tyranid forces through chemical warfare on the planet – cutting off their staging post for the rest of the system. Autarch Serebella Witt has different plans though – convincing their Tau allies that they can use the Imperial fear of the Hive Fleet to their advantage – they aim to stifle the space marine plans and allow the hive fleet’s appetite to distract their opponents, keeping them busy whilst they seek their prize in the mausoleum. The Tau commanders see this as a way to create a barrier between Imperial space and their own expansions allowing them to continue to advance their own agendas.
But there are stirrings from the Chaos legions – they know their goal. They know they need the key and they are willing to spend as many souls as necessary to gain it. They must not reveal their hand too soon lest they unite the defenders against them – so they work in the shadows, advancing their creed, strengthening their forces and licking their wounds from the damage the Imperial Forces have done to them. The Imperial allies, morale improved from their purging of Secoundus, believe themselves to be on the front foot, they stride forward into battle bellowing the Emperor’s name and seeing him protect their steady lines. Imperial agents stand side to side with Adeptus Sororitas, mighty Custodes and humble guardsmen stand together at their barricades. Divine Will drives them on, forward to battle against any that oppose them. All the while unaware of what they are guarding. The secret that so many seek.
Whilst all around them there is death and decay the forces of Mysaria laugh with glee. What a place to gather lost souls. So many bodies for the pits of Commorragh! They have their hammer in the Ork forces they have raised. They have their anvil in the steel carapaces of the awoken necrons. They have managed to thread the needle in the change in the necron hierarchy – a new overlord has finally reanimated. Even more keen for their blades to clear this system of the countless organics that infest THEIR planets. Mysaria has made many promises to keep this alliance intact. Some will be kept. Others discarded as necessary.
And all the while the Hive Fleet grows. Claws tearing at the doors. Fangs seeking flesh. The cults have prepared these planets – better than any of the defenders anticipated. Uprisings have started on almost all the system’s planets – draining the resources from the front lines. Sapping their ability to strike as they choose. They may man the barricades but that does not help against the enemy within.
Month 3 of our Warhammer 40k Crusade
Welcome to the third month of our Warhammer 40k crusade! You will note that 2 of our teams are struggling a bit, Green and red so we’re going to try and level the play field a bit for them this month.
The Blue team managed to defeat the Green team over the course of the month and so took a further 8.5% of Secoundus from the Green team. This month we will be having the Purple Team facing off against the Red team fighting over control of Tertious and trying to slow the advance of Hive Fleet ORANGE.
There will be, as usual, 2 standard land battles this month, 1 boarding actions mission and a battle for Tertious between the Purple and Red teams in a bespoke mission.
To help out the teams that are struggling a bit this month I have added some buffs for Green team and Red team.
Green Team:
CSM players – for ONE turn you will get both Lethal AND Sustained Hits from your Dark Pact.
World Eaters – You can use 3 blessings rather than 2.
Death Guard – 2 of your contagions will be active for the game rather than 1.
Red Team:
You will STILL get one turn of old-style Oath of Moment (Re-roll Hits & Wounds vs the Oath of Moment target).
If playing Gladius detachment you can use any of the doctrines TWICE.
Month 3 Missions
Below you can find attached the updated missions for month 3 of our Crusade.
Boarding Actions Missions
Massive thanks to Neil for pulling together this month’s Boarding Actions missions, including our first 4 player game!

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