Wrapping up 2024

khorne goose of executions

What a Great way to Round up the Year!

Last night brought to a close another epic year at Crossfire Gaming Club. We’ve seen even more new people join our ranks, ran more events, created more terrain, played more games, supported more systems, bought more games and started playing on more days! It’s fair to say we’ve achieved a lot this year and it wouldn’t be possible without all of our fantastic members and great community!

We are now the largest active wargaming club in Scotland (and most likely one of the largest/busiest in the UK), which is mind-blowing!

This week, the club supplied a small mountain of pizza from our friends at Giuliano’s Fish & Chip and Pizzeria in the village, enough to feed 62 hungry gamers! We also ran our First Warhammer Colosseum event, as a fun, small scale tournament. Allowing people to get multiple games in a single night.

Gifts from Da Red Gobbo

As part of the celebrations, we were able to give away a few prizes. The plan had initially been to have these for winners of the Colosseum tournament. Though, the committee agreed it would be more fun to open it up to everyone and just have a raffle instead. These included a number of Red Gobbo miniatures and some vouchers to help fund folks’ next projects. A massive well done to all of our raffle winners.

Also a special shout out to Ross, who created and painted up a ‘Corporal Crossfire’ miniature, which he also donated to be raffled off.

Da Red Gobbo Prizes
corporal crossfire

The Crossfire Colosseum

Wow! This was a busy one but everyone appeared to have a great time taking part. Was a lot of happy gamers and was a great, quick way for folks to play new people and against some different armies. A big thanks to everyone that took part and what a great suggestion for an event from Alex. We were a bit up to the wire with getting the terrain prepped & finished in time but it all came out good in the end!

We’ll likely be doing some more touch ups to bring some of the terrain sets up to the ‘Crossfire Standard’, but they were fine for the night! I’d also strongly expect us to be doing more of these in the future, probably as a full-on proper event at some point, seeing as we now have lots of terrain for it.

For anyone interested in knowing more about the terrain, I designed and 3D printed it all and the committee all chipped in to get it all painted and ready on time. As for the files, I’ll likely be making them available at some point, should folks want to print their own sets.

We were all also excited to see Stephen’s Goose of Executions!

Goose of Executions

It Wasn’t Just the Colosseum!

We had a good selection of other games on the go as well, such as regular Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Old World, Kill Team, X-Wing, Bolt Action & Infinity. Not to forget the Board Games and our ever popular hobby corner.

Warhammer Old World

Warhammer Old World has continued to grow at the club and we now have a pretty dedicated following and some brilliant terrain to play on, as well as some great opponents! If you like your Warhammer on Square bases you couldn’t find a better crowd to get involved with, here’s the pics from last night!

All the Other Games

It’s always great to see a mix of different games at the club, Warhammer 40k is always popular but we are more than happy to support any game system, should folks want to play it. Here’s the rest of the pics from our last night of 2024.

When are We Back?

The club is now closed for the holidays. Our first couple of days back are:

  • Monday the 6th of Jan
  • Thursday the 9th of Jan

After which, we are back to the regular schedule of every Mon/Thu each week.

Share Your Feedback

We’re always looking for ways to improve the club and will be sharing our end of year Feedback survey on the Discord shortly. It’s a great way to let us know how we can make the club even better, help shape our future focus or just let us know what you liked!

Until then, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us on the Committee and at Crossfire Gaming Club.


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