Crossfire Gaming Club

We Bring the Spectacle to the Everyday Game

Gaming Club Based in Cumbernauld

Are you looking for somewhere to play Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, Blood Bowl, Star Wars: X-Wing or some other wargames or board games?

We have regular weekly meet ups in Cumbernauld on Thursday evenings with plenty of space to play all sorts of games.

Latest News Articles

Keep up to date with the latest goings on at Crossfire Gaming Club.

What we play and do

Club Meetings

We meet to play games on Monday & Thursday nights from 6pm -10pm.

Thursdays are our main Nights & Mondays are a little quieter.

Internal Events & Campaigns

We are always running narrative campaigns, leagues or competitive events for different game systems in one form or another for.


We will be looking to run full day tournaments, single day narrative campaigns and other weekend events in the future

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