New Board Games Coming!

New Games coming to Crossfire

Results from our Board Game Vote

Our first vote on new board games to be added to the club has come to a close. We ended up with a tie between The Crew: Mission Deep Sea and Gloomhaven. As a result we are going to get both, with a minor caveat.

A few people raised that the smaller scale Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion, might be better suited to the club. The reason being that the main game is more suited to the same 4 people playing through a long campaign. Also the game has to be edited in order for you to progress. The committee took this on board and agreed that we’ll get the smaller version for now. If people play through the smaller game and wish to continue with the main one, we will happily buy it.

The Crew: Mission Deep Sea

The Crew Mission Deep Sea

You and the other players work together to search for the lost continent of Mu. How far you get depends entirely on how well you work together as a team. Card by card, trick by trick, your search party will discover the challenges that lie ahead and forge a path to Mu.

Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion

gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion

Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion is aimed at a more casual audience to get people into the gameplay more quickly. All of the hard-to-organize cardboard map tiles have been removed, and instead players will play on the scenario book itself, which features new artwork unique to each scenario. The last barrier to entry — i.e., learning the game — has also been lowered through a simplified rule set and a five-scenario tutorial that will ease new players into the experience.


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