Monday Night Gaming in Cumbernauld
As mentioned on our Back to the Village Hall post, we have now booked additional Club Nights at the Village Hall starting on Monday the 13th of May. These nights will have a main focus on Board Games, RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons and smaller games such as Skirmish Games.
However, there should be room for overspill larger scale wargames such as Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar if you couldn’t make Thursday Night.
Come Play Board Games & RPGs in Cumbernauld

The club provides a great space and growing community for playing board games and RPGs, where you can meet up with like minded people, try out new games, make new friends and have fun!
We have also purchased a good deal of top tier board games and have a good sized board games library to chose from on club nights. The club is more than happy to invest in board games, so long as they’ll be played, so if there is something you really wanted to play but didn’t fancy shelling out for, we might be happy to pick it up.
Are You A Dungeon or Game Master? We Want You!
We’re looking for a DM/GM or two that’s free on a Monday night and fancies running something or already has an RPG group that need somewhere to play.
There is talk among our members on Discord of starting up some RPG sessions, and having a second club day in the week will help accommodate that. There has been interest in Dungeons and Dragons, or one of the Warhammer based RPGs, we just need people to champion them.

The club’s Fabricator General, Lord of the Forge and all-round heretic 🙂
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