Back to the Village Hall This Week!

Village Hall

From this Thursday the 18th, we will be back to the Cumbernauld Village Hall. We were over at Muirfield over the Easter Holidays and although it’s a good sized hall, having to move all of our tables, mats and boxes of terrain can prove quite the slog, even more so, now that the club has grown.

As the club has continued to expand, you may have noticed that the main hall has been getting busier and busier as each of the different game systems becomes more popular. This is also partially due to the Warhammer 40k Championship and Age of Sigmar Escalation League kicking off, our Necromunda Campaign moving into Cycle 4 and the Old World Campaign continuing to gain traction.

That’s quite a lot going on!

A Free Cake & a Drink This Week

Everyone that comes along this week will get a free cake and a drink curtesy of the club. We had initially intended on running a pizza night but the budget didn’t quite stretch that far after we had to get some more tables. We will do another pizza night in the not too distant future though! Keep your eyes peeled!

Lower Hall Bookings from 25th April

Moving forward, we have booked the Lower Hall as well as the Main Hall on most Thursdays, starting from the 25th of April. The exceptions to this are the first Thursday of the month, where the Community Council use the Hall, however we might be able to work something out with them that allows us to use it then as well. We will keep you posted on any developments.

You can check our Events Calendar for full details on what rooms we have booked and when.

More Folding Tables

The Club has been buying more fold down tables and now owns a total of 12 tables (plus has use of Curtis’s two tables, as well as my own foldable gaming table) to help meet the demand for gaming space. This means we can now add an additional 8 games (assuming each game uses up 2 tables due to needing a 6x4ft space).

You might have noticed the steady increase of more and more tables, and us working out the most optimal layouts without overcrowding things.

A Second Day of Gaming

A big thanks to everyone that responded to our request for input on a second night of gaming. For a while we have been considering running a second evening and out of the options, Monday took 64.71% of the votes.

Our second day of gaming is going to be more focused around Board Games, RPGs and smaller games. However, there will be the option for some overspill wargames as well.

We will be booking the Main Hall in the Cumbernauld Village Hall every Monday from 6-10pm starting from 13th of May (with the exception of term-time closures, which is why we couldn’t start the week before).


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