October Week – Muirfield Community Centre

Temporary Accommodation – 19th October

Hey folks, this is a reminder that North Lanarkshire Council closes our regular venue the Cumbernauld Village Hall during term time school holidays. Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do about this in the short term, so have instead booked somewhere else.

Muirfield Community Centre

So we still have somewhere to go and meet up, we have booked the Muirfield Community Centre for the 19th of October. This is a great, modern building with loads of free parking in the centre of Cumbernauld. The hall we have booked is roughly the same size as the Village Hall that we regularly use and the facilities are great.

The Community Centre is located near the Town Centre, behind the Police Station, around the corner from Farmfoods, as shown on the map below.

We have looked at moving here long term, but storage is an issue. As the management of the centre only allow each continual booking to have a single box as storage and that isn’t viable for us. Unless we were to find some kind of solution.

Crusade Phase 3 Kick Off

This will also be the first week of Phase 3 of our Warhammer 40k Crusade, the tables are filling up fast, so make sure you’ve popped your name in the hat if you want to play on the 19th.

Back to the Village Hall – 26th October

This is only a 1 week, temporary move to Muirfield, after which we will be back to our regular location at the Cumbernauld Village Hall from the 26th of October straight through until April 2024.


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