Your alliance holds fast. The lands of this feral planet have begun to fall under your yoke. But others are martialling their forces. Now that the camps are taken and the cities occupied it is time to destroy your foes – push them back into the recesses of this world.
The generals gather. It is time to strike while the iron is hot. Press the advantage and put your steel to your enemies throats. Take all that remains of this continent and gather what you can to return to the stars. All who oppose you will be crushed beneath the heel of your boot.
Welcome one and all to Phase 2 of the Crusade – Onslaught
With phase 2 of the campaign much of the map is taken… but not all.
And with limited resources from your downed spacecraft some things are going to get more expensive.
Following the points rebalance in the Munitorum Field Manual I’m sure most people have had their points changed – you will need to update this in the Goonhammer app, unfortunately (or fortunately for me!) I cannot do it for you – you will need to do this before your first game in phase 2 so that your points are accurate.
New Missions for Phase 2
You will see that there are 3 missions as usual here, one boarding action and 2 land battles. In order to ensure that everyone has a chance to play it, the Pitched Battle can be played more than once but you are still limited to 2 scoring games (your first 2!). You will not receive ANY benefit for additional games. These games have some slight increases in points – being 1,100 for the pitched battle and 1,200 for the other land battle. The boarding action continues to be 500 points. Both these missions will count as Strike Force size games for any rules that pertain to them. The maximum you can score from a mission is 90 points plus 10 points for painted – and you need a minimum of 2 colours on EVERY model to qualify as painted in phase 2.
Handicap System Update
With the map largely being consumed by the various alliances we have reworked the handicap system but don’t worry, I will keep track of this and post the details of how large each handicapped force should be with the games going on Discord.
For every 4 Hexes controlled by your allied forces the armies are reduced by the following:
1st player in a team – 40 points
2nd player in a team – 20 points
3rs player in a team of 5 – 10 points
As usual these are halved for Boarding Actions.
Resources & Gaining RP
As your supplies dwindle there are some reduced returns and additional costs in phase 2 namely that you will only receive 1RP for mission completion regardless of the number of hexes your alliance controls and it will cost an additional 1 RP from to remove a battle scar because of the limited resources available on the planet. So 2RP minimum to remove a battle scar which rises the more a unit gains experience as normal.

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