Warhammer 40k Crusade Awards

crossfire gaming club 40k crusade awards

Our Warhammer 40k Crusade has now finished. We wrapped it up on the last club night of the year, which was also our Pizza Night. As many of you already know, Simon has been keeping record of leader boards, team performance, individual unit experience and battle scars across all of the armies taking part and providing weekly updates! For which we all greatly appreciate the level of effort he’s gone to and work he’s put in to running it.

Wooden Spoon – Orange Team

The winner of the Wooden Spoons goes to Orange Team, who despite starting off as one of the two undermanned teams put up a valiant effort. They also narrowly avoided being wiped off the map at the start of Phase 4 by nabbing land off a different alliance in the same week they lost their last few hexes. Which they quickly expanded their hold on and moved into some unclaimed land that’s previous occupants had been conveniently nuked out of.

I think I can safely say that they were most people’s favourite team during the campaign. As they didn’t take themselves too seriously and brought a lot of fun to the inter-team discussions. Although apparently it ended with some sort of tangerine themed civil war…

Congrats and a massive thanks for being great sports to Ross, Craig, Graham, Martin and Steve.

orange team winning wooden spoons

Best Character Kill Tally – Graham

We kept a running kill tally for all characters during the campaign, although Simon realised late on that Knights are also characters. And they can be quite killy…

Our 3 Knight players taking part in the campaign ran away with the kill tallies to the point that there was no competition from any of the other factions. The winner of which was Graham who was part of the Orange team, well done and well deserved! Those Knights were truly feared!

Graham winning best character kill tally

Best Narrative Story (Public Vote) – Neil

As we were doing a narrative campaign, we dedicated a section of the Discord Server for people that wanted to write up about the background of their forces that had found themselves marooned on the planet. Or indeed post battle narratives or anything else that they wanted to write about and create a story for.

There was a lot of good entries with quite a few people really jumping in and creating some cracking lore for their armies. Although the winner of this award decided write up the achievements of his Warboss from the perspective of his sidekick and ‘Chief Wurd Scribbla’, a grot called Erm.

Neil, who is also our newest committee member, really put a lot of work into pulling this together. I believe it’s now over 20,000 words all written from Erm’s perspective, in perfect greenskin prose.

Neil Winning Best Narrative Story Award

Best Team – Blue Team

It was a close fought campaign and really came down to the last few games, where there was the potential for any of the top 3 teams to take it. In the end, it was the Blue Team that clinched the prize and seen off all others.

Congratulations to Zak, Alex, Rory, Harry & Simon, you all played a great game.

Blue Team winning best team

Best Individual Player – Edgar

Topping our leader board for the campaign with 6 wins out of a full 9 games played was Edgar, who was representing for the Purple Team. Again, it was another close-run thing, with the top 6 players all within 80 points of one another, one or two big scoring games in a night and it could all change.

A big congratulations, it was well deserved!

Edgar Winning Best Player

From the Committee

A massive thank you to everyone that took part in the Crusade, came along, played games, gave feedback and created some narrative lore. It’s been great seeing all of it going on and so many people taking part, turning it into a roaring success. You can find out more about that in Simon’s wrap up.

Also a huge well done to all of our winners, it’s all very well deserved.

Lastly, a huge shout out to Simon who’s been the Architect, Storyteller, Admin Keeper and Rules Lawyer for everything to do with the campaign and put in a mammoth amount of effort! It wouldn’t of been half as good without you.


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