We Needed More Terrain

At Crossfire we pride ourselves on having some of the best terrain about to play on. Ensuring that your armies get to battle it out over interesting themed battlefields. None of that single colour nasty MDF stuff! Although to be fair, we did get a set or two of such terrain for those that really want to play games on a battlefield that looks like the inside of a Kellogg’s box 🤮.

Its no secret that we have a lot of fantastic 3D printed terrain and are constantly working on adding more. However printing, assembling and painting terrain takes time. Quite a lot of time actually.

With the surge in numbers coming along, in part due to the success of Simon’s excellent Warhammer 40k Crusade! We’ve had the odd night where folks had to play on unfinished terrain, had to use stuff that wasn’t up to our usual standards or didn’t really fit the system.

The committee wasn’t too happy about that!

So We Got Some New Terrain!

With the above in mind, the opportunity presented itself for us to expand our terrain offering by a fair bit. As such, we will be adding ten full sets of pre painted resin terrain to the club. Which are:

  • 3 sets of City Ruins
  • 3 sets of Gothic Ruins
  • 2 sets of Industrial Ruins
  • 2 sets of Sci-fi terrain

You can check the different terrain sets out below.

City Ruins
Gothic Ruins
Industrial Ruins
Sci-fi Terrain

Not only will this help us ensure that we have great terrain for you to play on. It also gets us into a good position to start running events in the hopefully not too distant future.

We will obviously still continue to create great themed tables to play on. Which, as far as we are concerned are much better to play on. Though having these terrain sets to hand will be a great fall back for the club and ensure everyone can play on some good looking tables.

It’s also worth mentioning that none of this would be possible without the funding from the National Lottery, which is helping us to constantly improve the club!


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