What’s on in 2024 & How to take part

Club night at Crossfire

We had our first night back last Thursday and it really is great to roll some dice after the holidays! A big thanks to everyone that made it along!

What Events are Scheduled Early-Mid 2024

There’s a lot planned this year already and we’re looking forward to playing more games with everyone but we thought it best to highlight what’s already planned and what you might need to take part. We have Necromunda, Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Warhammer 40k and other events planned, which everyone is welcome to take part in.

Necromunda Campaign


Who is running this: Chris

When is it kicking off: 25th of January, full list of dates on the Necromunda Campaign page

Who is is aimed at: Both new and experienced players

What will I need to play: Roughly 10 models to make a gang out of and your gang rules, though we will be adding vehicles as well later on.

Age of Sigmar Escalation League

Who is running this: Curtis

When is it kicking off: 24th February

Who is is aimed at: A good start for those new to the Mortal Realms.

What will I need to play: It will start at 500 points and build up over time, you will need your army rules to play as well.

Horus Heresy Campaign

horus heresy space wolves vs night lords at crossfire gaming club

Who is running this: Tom and Richard

When is it kicking off: No definite date yet but likely February

Who is is aimed at: More experienced 30k players who know how to play the game

What will I need to play: 3,000 points of a HH army and the army rules.

Blood Bowl League

Who is running this: Camy

When is it kicking off: March, date TBC

Who is is aimed at: All levels of Blood Bowl players

What will I need to play: A team of Blood Bowl players, normally just a starting box from GW

Boarding Actions – Mini Tournament

Who is running this: Neil

When is it kicking off: March, date TBC

Who is is aimed at: All levels of 40K players

What will I need to play: 500 points of a Warhammer 40k Boarding Actions army

Warhammer 40K Championship

Who is running this: Simon

When is it kicking off: 4th April. Sign up closes 21st March, army submission 28th March

Who is is aimed at: 40K players who have a reasonable grasp of their army and unit rules

What will I need to play: A 1,750 point army in a 40K faction of your choice

Where to Find Out More?

We’ll be putting out articles with more info on each of these events over the next few weeks but we thought it would be helpful for everyone to see what was planned for the first half of the year and what you will need to take part. 

As always we are keen to support any other games people would like to play – we have players keen to teach Infinity, Bolt Action, Black Powder, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Star Wars Shatterpoint and more and if anyone is looking for intro games in any of the systems above please get in touch with us to arrange a game. 


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