First Annual Crossfire Survey

Survey Results

Your Feedback Matters!

Thank you to all who have completed our first survey to see how everyone feels about the club. We wanted to share with you the headline results along with some of the commentary that members have given related to specific questions. As always we are open to any feedback primarily through our Discord #suggestions channel and we are keen to hear any new ideas on how we can improve the community and the games we play. 

A little bit of what we would like to do going forward is not currently within our control but please note we are working behind the scenes to give you all more games, more options and more access where we can.

What has been your favourite part of being involved with Crossfire?

favourite part of crossfire

Which for us seems to indicate that the most important aspects of the club are building the community, getting to play more games and using some great terrain to bring those games to life – the additional comments were that the 40k campaign was a lot of fun and “all of the above!”

We continue to invest in gaming systems at Crossfire, which of the following would you like to try in the future?

invest in gaming systems at crossfire

This question was mainly about the games that you all want to see more of, or have more access to going forward. We obviously have some plans for both Age of Sigmar and Blood Bowl but it is interesting to note some other games on here too and both Curtis and I need to finish painting up the Star Wars: Shatterpoint and Marvel Crisis Protocol sets so everyone can get playing on them. There also seems to be more support for Kill Team and I think we were aware of – fortunately the new terrain that Chris is working on for Necromunda should also be useful here but we will also have a think about how we can support this more effectively going forward. 

The additional suggestions which I did not have on the list were Warhammer Old World and Deadzone. Thank you for the additional ideas here, very much appreciated.

As part of our investments at the club, what would you like to see more of?

investments in club

We are continually working on new terrain for the club – it would appear that Chris’ printers almost never stop but this helps us focus on some new ideas as well and appears to back up the ideas that terrain for the likes of Kill Team and smaller games should be a focal point for 2024. 

We have some new ideas for bespoke terrain for this year and we will be getting the Eternity Wall back up and running for 10th edition rules. There will also be support for additional games systems and board games to offer plenty of options for almost any taste. 

In the additional responses, there was also some question about WTC terrain and making the boards more balanced. We are working on some new, specific WTC style terrain – Stephen has just been trying to get boards ready for Necromunda, but this should be with you in 2024 and should allow for a balanced, tournament style gaming. We also have Dan working on some bespoke terrain that can be used in a number of gaming systems, particularly Age of Sigmar and Warhammer Old World.

With the potential to increase our use of the hall in the future, when would you be most likely to use the hall?

increase use of hall

As many of you will know we are working with the Cumbernauld Village Community Council to have more access to the hall this year, including school holidays and access at additional days and weekends. We will have to trial some of these times to see what works for players and what is not as useful. Once we know more we will happily share the next steps of our plans with you all.

We are planning some big events in the first half of 2024, which of the following are you likely to get involved in?

interest in what events

As you should all have seen, we have plenty on the calendar for this year and I am delighted that we have, from this survey, 14 looking to take part in the Necromunda Campaign and 12 for the 40K Championship. There also seems to be solid support for all our ideas for the first half of the year and we will work to ensure everyone who is interested gains access to all we have on offer. 

What additional events might you be keen to get involved in?

additional events interest at the club

All of the options here seem to be well supported so we will be working to get these off the group in due course – though we are very likely to start with the easiest one – a painting competition! 

How else can we improve Crossfire so that we can continue to grow and recruit new players to our various hobbies?

There is no graph for this one or the next question, so you are spared that at least! Some great ideas here that we will think about including at Crossfire

One being a Kill Team mini tournament, contacting new members about intro games (which we have already started to do on Discord), working on ways for smaller groups of people to chat, help create support for new players by helping them choose a faction, hosting some tournament play, more support for skirmish games, inter-club gaming and a structured welcome process and nominated contact for each of the gaming systems. We will have a think about how best to incorporate these ideas into our club and how we make sure they keep working.

Are there any barriers to hobbying or playing that we can help to remove to increase your enjoyment?  

The ideas under this heading were quite wide ranging, including adding some gaming on weekends (which we are trying to do in the future), offering some basic sprays as part of our hobby supplies, a better systems for matching games and increasing Space Marine saves to 6+…

I cannot promise to change all of them but we will do our best to continue to develop our gaming experience. 

We are working on both Narrative and Competitive events in 2024 and trying to find the right balance for our members, which do you prefer?

narrative vs competitive events

From this it seems that there continues to be demand for both narrative and competitive play so we are happy to support both and will continue to do so throughout this year!

If we arranged a non-gaming social event, would you like to attend?  

social event interest

Overwhelming support here for us to work on developing a social calendar of events – we will start to work on that soon.

If you guys have any more ideas please feel free to get in touch, we are always looking to improve what we have so everyone can get the most out of our club. 


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