Crusade Week 11 Updates

The Campaign map has seen some shake ups in week 11, now that all of the capturable Hexes on the land have been claimed by one team or another. This has resulted in a lot of alliances forcibly taking hexes off of one another, with a lot of changing front lines.

This is due to our rule that if a player from one team beats a player from another team, now that there are no more unclaimed hexes. It means they must take the closest hex from that team, and may take additional Hexes based on the outcome of the game. Things are going to start getting interesting as front lines are redrawn.

Surface Map After Week 11

Crusade Map-week 11

The Purple Team took Emberbrook from the Oranges and despite pushing towards Ravenshold Castle in the west, it was the Yellow Team that came in from behind and took it, linking up their captured territory to their already controlled areas.

Whether they can hold this expansion into Blue‘s north eastern hexes remains to be seen as the area has turned into a 4-way battle following the Red‘s introduction to the area and the Purple Team‘s push south.

The Red Team secured an initial foothold in the area, taking Nomad’s Rest and threatening to expand their control in the west. Possibly looking to take land that isn’t a radioactive waste.

Despite some initial losses in the North West, the Blue Team have made gains elsewhere, coming from the south and pushing north along the Green Team‘s border, opening up a new front. They also wrestled control of the territory that the Orange Team previously took from the Yellows, creating a narrow Blue corridor in the heart of their land. Whilst also threatening the Starstone Circle.

Under the cover of the nuclear fallout, the Green Team managed to push north and have made some inroads into Orange‘s territory.

Space Hulk Map After Week 11

Only one launch site still has its unfired payload, and is under pressure from the Purple Team. However, there are still 5 unclaimed hexes the Purples would need to expand into first, before they could take it, giving the Greens a buffer.

Crusade Map-Space Hulk - week 11

Alliance Map Buffs going into week 12

A lot of our points of interest on the map add certain benefits to the games being played. Alliances have to hold these at the start of the week in order to get the benefits. Which makes it more important to take these off of your enemies.

Despite some teams holding multiple locations that provide an in game benefit, they can only use these once per battle.

Purple Team

  • Archeotech Device: Before the game begins, you may select 1 unit from your army, models in that unit improve their Objective Control score by 1.
  • Spaceport: During deployment, you may select one Battleline unit in your army to gain the Infiltrators Special Rule.
  • Rogue’s Refuge: When rolling for who has the first turn, you may change the result of your dice roll by either +1 or -1.

Green Team

  • Archeotech Device: Before the game begins, you may select 1 unit from your army, models in that unit improve their Objective Control score by 1.
  • Spaceport: During deployment, you may select one Battleline unit in your army to gain the Infiltrators Special Rule.
  • Smugglers Cove: When rolling for who has the first turn, you may change the result of your dice roll by either +1 or -1.
  • Whispering Keep: The first time a unit fails a Battle Shock test, you can choose to pass it instead.

Blue Team

  • Archeotech Device: Before the game begins, you may select 1 unit from your army, models in that unit improve their Objective Control score by 1.
  • Horizon Observatory: After both sides have finished deployment but before who gets the first turn has been decided. You may re-deploy up to D3 units.
  • Obsidian Citadel: During the game, the first friendly Battleline unit to be destroyed can be returned to the player’s army and placed in reserve. This unit will not gain any additional XP/Battle Scars the second time it enters the battle. The initial unit will still have to roll for its out of action tests at the end of the battle regardless of what happens to the reserve unit.

Red Team

  • Crimson Observatory: After both sides have finished deployment but before who gets the first turn has been decided. You may re-deploy up to D3 units.
  • The First Settler: Before the battle begins, select one unit. It gains the Scout special rule for the duration of this battle. The range of its scout ability is the same as the unit’s movement value.

Orange Team

  • Solaris Citadel: During the game, the first friendly Battleline unit to be destroyed can be returned to the player’s army and placed in reserve. This unit will not gain any additional XP/etc the second time it enters the battle. The initial unit will still have to roll for its out of action tests at the end of the battle regardless of what happens to the reserve unit.
  • Harry’s Hall: The first time a unit fails a Battle Shock test, you can choose to pass it instead.

Yellow Team

  • Dread Keep/Ivory Citadel: During the game, the first friendly Battleline unit to be destroyed can be returned to the player’s army and placed in reserve. This unit will not gain any additional XP/etc the second time it enters the battle. The initial unit will still have to roll for its out of action tests at the end of the battle regardless of what happens to the reserve unit.
  • Ravenshold Castle/Stormwatch Keep: The first time a unit fails a Battle Shock test, you can choose to pass it instead.
  • Starstone Portal: One unit from your army gains the Deep Strike Special Rule for this battle. However, the use of the Portal is not without its dangers. Roll a D6 for each model that was deployed using this Campaign Asset. For each roll of a 1, the unit suffers a Mortal Wound.
  • Starstone Circle: Before the battle begins, select one unit. It gains the Scout special rule for the duration of this battle. The range of its scout ability is the same as the unit’s movement value.


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