Survey Follow-up

Survey Follow Up

We recently posted an article on the findings from our first Crossfire Survey – all of the committee found it very informative and we have been giving some thought as to how best we incorporate some of these ideas going forward. To this end I thought it best to cover as many as we can in three headings, namely;

  • What We’re Already Doing
  • What We’ll Start Doing
  • What We’d Like To Do in the Future

I’ll dive into each of these below.

What Were Already Doing

busy club night at crossfire

Supporting More Game Systems

We were always keen to support new gaming systems but it looks like there is demand for a number of games that we do not currently really support. We note that with the recent GW release of Old World that we will need more terrain for this and the Age of Sigmar escalation league that we will be running – our committee member, Dan, has started working on some great ideas here, he previously worked on the New Gothic Ruins Terrain that looks fantastic and we are excited to see what he comes up with here. 

Warhammer old world Empire vs Tomb Kings

Adding More Skirmish Terrain

We note there is also interest in Kill Team and BattleTech – fortunately some of the fantastic new Necromuda terrain that Chris has been working tirelessly on should help to fulfil this requirement – it was also noted that more “skirmish terrain” was desired – and although we have added some new terrain over the last couple of weeks we will continue to add to this. It also looks like there might be the desire for a Kill Team mini-tournament – we are going to discuss how best to fulfil this requirement and come back to you.

new sci fi skirmish gaming mat used in Necromunda battle

Do More Custom Scenarios

There also seems to be the desire for some more bespoke scenarios like the Eternity Wall. We are working to update the rules here for 10th edition and also come up with some new terrain and scenarios that your armies can fight over – this had been put aside whilst we worked on various other projects but will come back to the fore in due course.

The Eternity Wall guarded by a Leviathan Dreadnought

Provide More Competitive Terrain

There also appears to be demand for WTC style terrain – we have recently received quite a large order of this terrain and are working through painting it up to club standard so it can be deployed in 2024 for those looking for more competitive matches – though our recent purchase of resin terrain should also assist in filling some of the board out if required.

Plan Painting Competitions

We will be looking to start a painting competition in the near future so keep your eyes peeled for that. There will be some specific rules around what can be entered which we’ll confirm closer to the date.

Welcoming New Players

We are also trying to be more active on the Discord at talking to new players about games and arranging intro games with them.

What We’ll Start Doing

Under this heading we will look at how we can improve the club in the medium term (over the course of 2024 most likely) with things that are within our control.

More Club Night Events/Campaigns etc

This would include working on ways to get more Kill Team games and incorporating some sort of mini-tournament or league into our planning – though the first half of 2024 is already looking busy at the club for events! We would also like to do something similar for Warcry, though this is likely after the end of the Age of Sigmar escalation campaign. 

We will continue to develop both our competitive events and our narrative events over the course of 2024 as there is demand for them.

nova landing nuked un 40k campaign

Supporting New Players & Answering Queries

The committee members already have a “specialty” but we will look to make this more apparent for new players so people can seek help where necessary with games, be it about rules on a games night or about how best to start an army/faction or the easiest way to write a list. 

learning blood bowl

Outside of Club Nights

There is also the probability that we will arrange some social events over the coming months as there appears to be demand for meeting out with the Thursday night gaming environment, which is great and a part of building this wider community. We’re still feeling out some ideas for this but we will keep you informed and likely ask for input/suggestions.

geekend blood bowl after breakfast

What We’d Like to Do in the Future

As we have discussed in the past, we are not completely the masters of our own destiny in every respect.

Extra Club Nights

We ideally would like to offer more gaming opportunities in the Cumbernauld Village Hall but have been curtailed by the availability to book (it is not currently possible to book the hall at weekends or during the school holidays due to North Lanarkshire Council closing the venue during holidays).

If we can work with the Community Council and start to book up more times to use the hall we would be very keen to offer more gaming and hobbying. The biggest demand for this appears to be Sunday afternoon gaming – and this might also work with some painting classes and more hobbying opportunities in the future. 

Weekend Tournaments & Playing Other Clubs

This would also allow us to host club vs club events, as there appears to be a growing wargaming scene across the central belt and beyond and we are already in talks with some other clubs about how we might achieve this going forward. This would likely be on a weekend and so we would need to be able to use the hall at that point. We are also very keen to start hosting tournaments if we can get access on a Saturday, which should help expand the reach of our club further into the wider gaming community. 

We continue to work on a number of additional projects and we look forward to sharing all the details with you in due course. 


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